Reinstate a Texas LLC or Corporation
Revive your Texas business, put your business back on track, and stop incurring state fees and penalties. Breathe easier with our step-by-step done-for-you reinstatement services that help you restart your business efficiently, knowing that you are supported along the way.
If you see the words, “FRANCHISE TAX INVOLUNTARILY ENDED,” your business is vulnerable.
But all hope is not lost. You may still have some options.
You may be nervous and scared because you have no idea what those words mean, and now all you have worked for seems over. You’ve been scouring the internet for answers, but it seems as though there is no information about how this forfeiture impacts you and what, if anything, you can do to fix it.
We help our clients understand the effect of this forfeiture, determine how to overcome it, and put a plan in place to keep this from happening again, so that they can:
Focus on building their businesses
Avoid costly fees and risky penalties
Position their business to take legal action, if necessary
Stay calm, knowing that this work is done for you.
What You Want to Know
You have questions and we have answers that will help you know what to expect now that this has happened to your business?
In most states, including Texas, you have quite a few annual maintenance requirements and potential fees once you create an LLC or a Corporation. When you miss some of those, this entity forfeiture occurs.
You have lost all the benefits of being an LLC or corporation in your state. That means that things like limited liability and the right to defend or bring a lawsuit are lost.
The cost varies depending on the complexity of your forfeiture. Some factors that impact your complexities include what type of entity you have (LLC vs. corporation) and how many years back we must dig.
When you are a client of ours, the timing depends on a few different factors: 1) how responsive you are, 2) how many years of maintenance we must complete, and 3) how long it takes for the government to process their part.
When we meet with potential clients, we discuss your unique situation and determine the right strategy for you. We’ve had folks on both sides of the spectrum.
Revive Your Business Today
You cannot afford to put this off. If you wait, you can expect that:
You will still be without all the benefits associated with the LLC or corporation.
You will incur fees and penalties with the government.
If someone tries to sue you and you are out of status, you could face additional penalties.
If you want to sue someone related to a business matter, you will not be allowed to.
The list could go on and on. Your impact could be eroded. But that does not have to be the case. You can make decisions today that make things easier for you and your loved ones tomorrow.
The moral of the story: let’s get this done!
Let’s Get to Work. Here’s the Plan.
Our Business Revival System™ is designed to help people like you repair, relaunch, and reload. We use our signature CLARIFY-VERIFY-FORTIFY Framework™ to walk you through a painless process of revitalizing the legal side of your business.
We start our BRS with work to uncover the current legal status of your business and define precisely what documents need to be filed depending on your unique situation.
We gather all the necessary information required from you regarding where your business is legally and draft the essential documents. We then confirm the details with you before proceeding to the final stage of our framework.
We obtain the necessary signatures, confirmations, and documents the state requires. Then we file these documents with the various legal entities in charge. We then monitor your progress until completion. Finally, we provide ongoing maintenance service so you never have to do this again.